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Feature Store

Feature Stores offer simple yet powerful (global) state management.

Key Principles

  • Less Boilerplate: With the FeatureStore API you can update state without writing actions and reducers
  • A Feature Store manages feature state directly
  • The state of a Feature Store integrates into the global state
  • Feature Stores are destroyable

What's Included

The MiniRx FeatureStore API:

  • setState() update the feature state
  • setInitialState() initialize feature state lazily
  • select() select state from the feature state object as RxJS Observable
  • effect() run side effects like API calls and update feature state
  • connect() connect external Observables to your Feature Store
  • undo() easily undo setState actions (requires the UndoExtension)
  • destroy() remove the feature state from the global state object
  • tapResponse operator: handle the response in Feature Store effect consistently and with less boilerplate

How the Feature Store works

Feature Stores make use of Redux too: Behind the scenes a Feature Store is creating a feature reducer and a "setState" action. MiniRx dispatches that action when calling setState() and the corresponding feature reducer will update the feature state accordingly.